
Author Topic: TeensySaber Software Discussion  (Read 67704 times)

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2017, 01:22:43 PM »

Thank you!

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2017, 08:15:42 PM »
I don't have a specific event that always triggers the no sound. Sometimes after charging the battery I plug in my blade and would get no sound. Also when I plug in my blade near the bottom section it would flicker different colors and then show the charge status but no sound. I would unplug it and plug it back in and then i would get sound. I wonder why I am getting the flickering of colors and sometimes that causing the no sound?

Anyways I will keep investigating, unless you found it.



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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2017, 08:24:06 PM »
Hmm, I usually see flickering because it's decided to use the wrong blade type for some reason.

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2017, 08:27:04 PM »
yeah, it flickers different colors. And then when I start the cyan blade it would be a darker blue then id clash and it would turn back to cyan. This just started happening and it only happens with my main blade (pl9823). I wonder if the data pin is loose somewhere...



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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2017, 08:30:45 PM »
Obvious question: Did you make changes to blades[] (or something else) that you did not copy over when you switched to a new version of the software?

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2017, 08:33:22 PM »
No, all I copied over the the blade arrays and the blade presets. It pretty much the same as the last version expect I used the audio flicker into the yellow blade. But my default preset after the teensy boots up is charge indicator.



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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2017, 09:26:25 AM »
I still haven't found a way to always trigger the audio bug. But I will still search. I still have the rainbow effect on the blade when I plug it in sometimes. It usually happens when I tighten the blade retention screw and i guess it moves the connector to one side or something...

On another note if I wanted to add more colors into the code where would I enter the RGB values. I found this:
Code: [Select]

typedef Rgb<255,0,0> RED;
typedef Rgb<0,255,0> GREEN;
typedef Rgb<0,0,255> BLUE;
typedef Rgb<255,255,0> YELLOW;
typedef Rgb<0,255,255> CYAN;
typedef Rgb<255,0,255> MAGENTA;
typedef Rgb<255,255,255> WHITE;
typedef Rgb<0,0,0> BLACK;

Is this wehere I would define those RGB values to create the macro to use?



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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2017, 10:27:03 AM »
Yes, or you can use Rgb<red, green,blue> directly.
Note that unlike screen RGB values, RGB values in the teensysaber code are linear.
If you have an RGB value from a computer that you wish to use, you should do this to each value:
Code: [Select]
   ((V/255)^2.2) * 255

For example, the css color "hotpink" which is rgb(244, 105, 180) would become: Rgb<255, 36, 118>

Note that the color will still not come out exactly the same as on the screen, because the actual red, green and blues are not the same as the pixels on your screen. (This is a good thing though, as most screens are not nearly as vibrant.)

Probably I should just run through the list of CSS colors and add typedefs for all 140 of them. :)

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2017, 10:53:02 AM »
Yes, or you can use Rgb<red, green,blue> directly.
Note that unlike screen RGB values, RGB values in the teensysaber code are linear.
If you have an RGB value from a computer that you wish to use, you should do this to each value:
Code: [Select]
   ((V/255)^2.2) * 255

For example, the css color "hotpink" which is rgb(244, 105, 180) would become: Rgb<255, 36, 118>

Note that the color will still not come out exactly the same as on the screen, because the actual red, green and blues are not the same as the pixels on your screen. (This is a good thing though, as most screens are not nearly as vibrant.)

Probably I should just run through the list of CSS colors and add typedefs for all 140 of them. :)

Okay that makes sense!

And you could :) but that would be some work on your part on the off chance people will use those colors! But I would sure be greatfull! :)



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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2017, 02:50:08 PM »
And you could :) but that would be some work on your part on the off chance people will use those colors! But I would sure be greatfull! :)

Not that much work:

Code: [Select]
typedef Rgb<223, 239, 255> AliceBlue;
typedef Rgb<244, 213, 175> AntiqueWhite;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 255> Aqua;
typedef Rgb<55, 255, 169> Aquamarine;
typedef Rgb<223, 255, 255> Azure;
typedef Rgb<233, 233, 184> Beige;
typedef Rgb<255, 199, 142> Bisque;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 0> Black;
typedef Rgb<255, 213, 157> BlanchedAlmond;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 255> Blue;
typedef Rgb<66, 5, 195> BlueViolet;
typedef Rgb<97, 4, 4> Brown;
typedef Rgb<187, 124, 62> BurlyWood;
typedef Rgb<29, 88, 91> CadetBlue;
typedef Rgb<55, 255, 0> Chartreuse;
typedef Rgb<166, 36, 2> Chocolate;
typedef Rgb<255, 55, 19> Coral;
typedef Rgb<32, 78, 217> CornflowerBlue;
typedef Rgb<255, 239, 184> Cornsilk;
typedef Rgb<184, 0, 10> Crimson;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 255> Cyan;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 67> DarkBlue;
typedef Rgb<0, 67, 67> DarkCyan;
typedef Rgb<124, 61, 0> DarkGoldenRod;
typedef Rgb<103, 103, 103> DarkGray;
typedef Rgb<103, 103, 103> DarkGrey;
typedef Rgb<0, 32, 0> DarkGreen;
typedef Rgb<131, 122, 37> DarkKhaki;
typedef Rgb<67, 0, 67> DarkMagenta;
typedef Rgb<22, 37, 6> DarkOliveGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 68, 0> DarkOrange;
typedef Rgb<82, 7, 156> DarkOrchid;
typedef Rgb<67, 0, 0> DarkRed;
typedef Rgb<209, 79, 50> DarkSalmon;
typedef Rgb<71, 130, 71> DarkSeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<15, 10, 67> DarkSlateBlue;
typedef Rgb<6, 19, 19> DarkSlateGray;
typedef Rgb<6, 19, 19> DarkSlateGrey;
typedef Rgb<0, 159, 164> DarkTurquoise;
typedef Rgb<77, 0, 168> DarkViolet;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 75> DeepPink;
typedef Rgb<0, 135, 255> DeepSkyBlue;
typedef Rgb<36, 36, 36> DimGray;
typedef Rgb<36, 36, 36> DimGrey;
typedef Rgb<2, 72, 255> DodgerBlue;
typedef Rgb<115, 3, 3> FireBrick;
typedef Rgb<255, 244, 223> FloralWhite;
typedef Rgb<3, 67, 3> ForestGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 255> Fuchsia;
typedef Rgb<184, 184, 184> Gainsboro;
typedef Rgb<239, 239, 255> GhostWhite;
typedef Rgb<255, 175, 0> Gold;
typedef Rgb<180, 97, 2> GoldenRod;
typedef Rgb<55, 55, 55> Gray;
typedef Rgb<55, 55, 55> Grey;
typedef Rgb<0, 55, 0> Green;
typedef Rgb<108, 255, 6> GreenYellow;
typedef Rgb<223, 255, 223> HoneyDew;
typedef Rgb<255, 36, 118> HotPink;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 223> Ivory;
typedef Rgb<223, 203, 68> Khaki;
typedef Rgb<203, 203, 244> Lavender;
typedef Rgb<255, 223, 233> LavenderBlush;
typedef Rgb<52, 248, 0> LawnGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 244, 157> LemonChiffon;
typedef Rgb<108, 176, 203> LightBlue;
typedef Rgb<223, 55, 55> LightCoral;
typedef Rgb<191, 255, 255> LightCyan;
typedef Rgb<244, 244, 166> LightGoldenRodYellow;
typedef Rgb<168, 168, 168> LightGray;
typedef Rgb<168, 168, 168> LightGrey;
typedef Rgb<72, 219, 72> LightGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 121, 138> LightPink;
typedef Rgb<255, 91, 50> LightSalmon;
typedef Rgb<2, 115, 104> LightSeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<62, 159, 244> LightSkyBlue;
typedef Rgb<47, 63, 82> LightSlateGray;
typedef Rgb<47, 63, 82> LightSlateGrey;
typedef Rgb<112, 142, 187> LightSteelBlue;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 191> LightYellow;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 0> Lime;
typedef Rgb<7, 157, 7> LimeGreen;
typedef Rgb<244, 223, 203> Linen;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 255> Magenta;
typedef Rgb<55, 0, 0> Maroon;
typedef Rgb<33, 157, 104> MediumAquaMarine;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 157> MediumBlue;
typedef Rgb<127, 22, 168> MediumOrchid;
typedef Rgb<75, 41, 182> MediumPurple;
typedef Rgb<10, 117, 42> MediumSeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<51, 35, 219> MediumSlateBlue;
typedef Rgb<0, 244, 84> MediumSpringGreen;
typedef Rgb<15, 164, 156> MediumTurquoise;
typedef Rgb<147, 1, 60> MediumVioletRed;
typedef Rgb<1, 1, 41> MidnightBlue;
typedef Rgb<233, 255, 244> MintCream;
typedef Rgb<255, 199, 193> MistyRose;
typedef Rgb<255, 199, 119> Moccasin;
typedef Rgb<255, 187, 108> NavajoWhite;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 55> Navy;
typedef Rgb<250, 233, 203> OldLace;
typedef Rgb<55, 55, 0> Olive;
typedef Rgb<37, 70, 3> OliveDrab;
typedef Rgb<255, 97, 0> Orange;
typedef Rgb<255, 14, 0> OrangeRed;
typedef Rgb<180, 41, 173> Orchid;
typedef Rgb<219, 207, 104> PaleGoldenRod;
typedef Rgb<81, 246, 81> PaleGreen;
typedef Rgb<111, 219, 219> PaleTurquoise;
typedef Rgb<182, 41, 75> PaleVioletRed;
typedef Rgb<255, 221, 171> PapayaWhip;
typedef Rgb<255, 180, 125> PeachPuff;
typedef Rgb<157, 60, 11> Peru;
typedef Rgb<255, 136, 154> Pink;
typedef Rgb<186, 91, 186> Plum;
typedef Rgb<112, 191, 203> PowderBlue;
typedef Rgb<55, 0, 55> Purple;
typedef Rgb<33, 7, 82> RebeccaPurple;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 0> Red;
typedef Rgb<130, 71, 71> RosyBrown;
typedef Rgb<12, 36, 193> RoyalBlue;
typedef Rgb<67, 14, 0> SaddleBrown;
typedef Rgb<244, 55, 43> Salmon;
typedef Rgb<231, 96, 29> SandyBrown;
typedef Rgb<5, 67, 23> SeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 233, 219> SeaShell;
typedef Rgb<91, 21, 5> Sienna;
typedef Rgb<136, 136, 136> Silver;
typedef Rgb<62, 159, 213> SkyBlue;
typedef Rgb<36, 25, 157> SlateBlue;
typedef Rgb<41, 55, 72> SlateGray;
typedef Rgb<41, 55, 72> SlateGrey;
typedef Rgb<255, 244, 244> Snow;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 55> SpringGreen;
typedef Rgb<14, 57, 118> SteelBlue;
typedef Rgb<166, 118, 68> Tan;
typedef Rgb<0, 55, 55> Teal;
typedef Rgb<176, 135, 176> Thistle;
typedef Rgb<255, 31, 15> Tomato;
typedef Rgb<12, 191, 162> Turquoise;
typedef Rgb<219, 57, 219> Violet;
typedef Rgb<233, 187, 117> Wheat;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 255> White;
typedef Rgb<233, 233, 233> WhiteSmoke;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 0> Yellow;
typedef Rgb<84, 157, 7> YellowGreen;

Offline gmcivor

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2017, 02:59:12 PM »
And you could :) but that would be some work on your part on the off chance people will use those colors! But I would sure be greatfull! :)

Not that much work:

Code: [Select]
typedef Rgb<223, 239, 255> AliceBlue;
typedef Rgb<244, 213, 175> AntiqueWhite;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 255> Aqua;
typedef Rgb<55, 255, 169> Aquamarine;
typedef Rgb<223, 255, 255> Azure;
typedef Rgb<233, 233, 184> Beige;
typedef Rgb<255, 199, 142> Bisque;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 0> Black;
typedef Rgb<255, 213, 157> BlanchedAlmond;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 255> Blue;
typedef Rgb<66, 5, 195> BlueViolet;
typedef Rgb<97, 4, 4> Brown;
typedef Rgb<187, 124, 62> BurlyWood;
typedef Rgb<29, 88, 91> CadetBlue;
typedef Rgb<55, 255, 0> Chartreuse;
typedef Rgb<166, 36, 2> Chocolate;
typedef Rgb<255, 55, 19> Coral;
typedef Rgb<32, 78, 217> CornflowerBlue;
typedef Rgb<255, 239, 184> Cornsilk;
typedef Rgb<184, 0, 10> Crimson;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 255> Cyan;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 67> DarkBlue;
typedef Rgb<0, 67, 67> DarkCyan;
typedef Rgb<124, 61, 0> DarkGoldenRod;
typedef Rgb<103, 103, 103> DarkGray;
typedef Rgb<103, 103, 103> DarkGrey;
typedef Rgb<0, 32, 0> DarkGreen;
typedef Rgb<131, 122, 37> DarkKhaki;
typedef Rgb<67, 0, 67> DarkMagenta;
typedef Rgb<22, 37, 6> DarkOliveGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 68, 0> DarkOrange;
typedef Rgb<82, 7, 156> DarkOrchid;
typedef Rgb<67, 0, 0> DarkRed;
typedef Rgb<209, 79, 50> DarkSalmon;
typedef Rgb<71, 130, 71> DarkSeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<15, 10, 67> DarkSlateBlue;
typedef Rgb<6, 19, 19> DarkSlateGray;
typedef Rgb<6, 19, 19> DarkSlateGrey;
typedef Rgb<0, 159, 164> DarkTurquoise;
typedef Rgb<77, 0, 168> DarkViolet;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 75> DeepPink;
typedef Rgb<0, 135, 255> DeepSkyBlue;
typedef Rgb<36, 36, 36> DimGray;
typedef Rgb<36, 36, 36> DimGrey;
typedef Rgb<2, 72, 255> DodgerBlue;
typedef Rgb<115, 3, 3> FireBrick;
typedef Rgb<255, 244, 223> FloralWhite;
typedef Rgb<3, 67, 3> ForestGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 255> Fuchsia;
typedef Rgb<184, 184, 184> Gainsboro;
typedef Rgb<239, 239, 255> GhostWhite;
typedef Rgb<255, 175, 0> Gold;
typedef Rgb<180, 97, 2> GoldenRod;
typedef Rgb<55, 55, 55> Gray;
typedef Rgb<55, 55, 55> Grey;
typedef Rgb<0, 55, 0> Green;
typedef Rgb<108, 255, 6> GreenYellow;
typedef Rgb<223, 255, 223> HoneyDew;
typedef Rgb<255, 36, 118> HotPink;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 223> Ivory;
typedef Rgb<223, 203, 68> Khaki;
typedef Rgb<203, 203, 244> Lavender;
typedef Rgb<255, 223, 233> LavenderBlush;
typedef Rgb<52, 248, 0> LawnGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 244, 157> LemonChiffon;
typedef Rgb<108, 176, 203> LightBlue;
typedef Rgb<223, 55, 55> LightCoral;
typedef Rgb<191, 255, 255> LightCyan;
typedef Rgb<244, 244, 166> LightGoldenRodYellow;
typedef Rgb<168, 168, 168> LightGray;
typedef Rgb<168, 168, 168> LightGrey;
typedef Rgb<72, 219, 72> LightGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 121, 138> LightPink;
typedef Rgb<255, 91, 50> LightSalmon;
typedef Rgb<2, 115, 104> LightSeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<62, 159, 244> LightSkyBlue;
typedef Rgb<47, 63, 82> LightSlateGray;
typedef Rgb<47, 63, 82> LightSlateGrey;
typedef Rgb<112, 142, 187> LightSteelBlue;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 191> LightYellow;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 0> Lime;
typedef Rgb<7, 157, 7> LimeGreen;
typedef Rgb<244, 223, 203> Linen;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 255> Magenta;
typedef Rgb<55, 0, 0> Maroon;
typedef Rgb<33, 157, 104> MediumAquaMarine;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 157> MediumBlue;
typedef Rgb<127, 22, 168> MediumOrchid;
typedef Rgb<75, 41, 182> MediumPurple;
typedef Rgb<10, 117, 42> MediumSeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<51, 35, 219> MediumSlateBlue;
typedef Rgb<0, 244, 84> MediumSpringGreen;
typedef Rgb<15, 164, 156> MediumTurquoise;
typedef Rgb<147, 1, 60> MediumVioletRed;
typedef Rgb<1, 1, 41> MidnightBlue;
typedef Rgb<233, 255, 244> MintCream;
typedef Rgb<255, 199, 193> MistyRose;
typedef Rgb<255, 199, 119> Moccasin;
typedef Rgb<255, 187, 108> NavajoWhite;
typedef Rgb<0, 0, 55> Navy;
typedef Rgb<250, 233, 203> OldLace;
typedef Rgb<55, 55, 0> Olive;
typedef Rgb<37, 70, 3> OliveDrab;
typedef Rgb<255, 97, 0> Orange;
typedef Rgb<255, 14, 0> OrangeRed;
typedef Rgb<180, 41, 173> Orchid;
typedef Rgb<219, 207, 104> PaleGoldenRod;
typedef Rgb<81, 246, 81> PaleGreen;
typedef Rgb<111, 219, 219> PaleTurquoise;
typedef Rgb<182, 41, 75> PaleVioletRed;
typedef Rgb<255, 221, 171> PapayaWhip;
typedef Rgb<255, 180, 125> PeachPuff;
typedef Rgb<157, 60, 11> Peru;
typedef Rgb<255, 136, 154> Pink;
typedef Rgb<186, 91, 186> Plum;
typedef Rgb<112, 191, 203> PowderBlue;
typedef Rgb<55, 0, 55> Purple;
typedef Rgb<33, 7, 82> RebeccaPurple;
typedef Rgb<255, 0, 0> Red;
typedef Rgb<130, 71, 71> RosyBrown;
typedef Rgb<12, 36, 193> RoyalBlue;
typedef Rgb<67, 14, 0> SaddleBrown;
typedef Rgb<244, 55, 43> Salmon;
typedef Rgb<231, 96, 29> SandyBrown;
typedef Rgb<5, 67, 23> SeaGreen;
typedef Rgb<255, 233, 219> SeaShell;
typedef Rgb<91, 21, 5> Sienna;
typedef Rgb<136, 136, 136> Silver;
typedef Rgb<62, 159, 213> SkyBlue;
typedef Rgb<36, 25, 157> SlateBlue;
typedef Rgb<41, 55, 72> SlateGray;
typedef Rgb<41, 55, 72> SlateGrey;
typedef Rgb<255, 244, 244> Snow;
typedef Rgb<0, 255, 55> SpringGreen;
typedef Rgb<14, 57, 118> SteelBlue;
typedef Rgb<166, 118, 68> Tan;
typedef Rgb<0, 55, 55> Teal;
typedef Rgb<176, 135, 176> Thistle;
typedef Rgb<255, 31, 15> Tomato;
typedef Rgb<12, 191, 162> Turquoise;
typedef Rgb<219, 57, 219> Violet;
typedef Rgb<233, 187, 117> Wheat;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 255> White;
typedef Rgb<233, 233, 233> WhiteSmoke;
typedef Rgb<255, 255, 0> Yellow;
typedef Rgb<84, 157, 7> YellowGreen;

Oh wow, thank you,

I`ll copy and paste that in and see. So many color choices and blade possibilities :) This will be fun.

The macros you already have are all capitals, do these ones have to be or not ?



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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2017, 03:04:08 PM »

The macros you already have are all capitals, do these ones have to be or not ?

They can be named any way you (we) want, as long as they don't collide with other names in the file. Also, there seems to be some duplicates, they will need to be removed, or it will cause compilation errors.

Also, pretty much all colors that don' thave a 255 (or close to it) in them are just kind of useless, so I might remove them from the list before I add it to the code.

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2017, 06:59:06 PM »

They can be named any way you (we) want, as long as they don't collide with other names in the file. Also, there seems to be some duplicates, they will need to be removed, or it will cause compilation errors.

Also, pretty much all colors that don' thave a 255 (or close to it) in them are just kind of useless, so I might remove them from the list before I add it to the code.

Okay that is good to know, and yeah I saw some duplicates in there and thought it might cause a compile error if left.

Are they useless because the color wouldn't show nicely? Since the value isn't close to a 255?



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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2017, 09:00:32 PM »
They are "useless" because they don't use the full brightness possible for a given color.
(I mean, why would you want it to be less than full brightness?)

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Re: TeensySaber Software Discussion
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2017, 09:04:42 PM »
They are "useless" because they don't use the full brightness possible for a given color.
(I mean, why would you want it to be less than full brightness?)

I didn't think about it that way. You are right, bright as possible.



